We Are God's Children- and Students

Since we are all children of the one true God, I thought I would make my first post about learning and specifically, what it feels like when your students finally understand what you are trying to teach them. God is our teacher after all, and I'm sure He loves it when we finally have that 'ah ha' moment.

"This is what your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says: "I am Yaweh, who teaches you for your benefit, who leads you in the way you should go." ~Isaiah 48:17

Earlier this week in Sunday school, we were teaching the children about honesty and how when you aren't honest, it can hurt you and others. The verse we were focusing around was Proverbs 10:9, which says, "Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes the crooked path will get caught." We had them all repeat this verse together, then seperately but it wasn't until we added a little game of tag to the lesson, that they understood what God was really saying in this verse.  We set up the game with two lines of painters tape on the floor about 2 yards apart. One line was completely straight and the other was...crooked. We split the group in two with half taking the straight path and the others taking the curved one. The 'tagger' ran in between the two lines, trying to tag both girls before they could reach the end. They eventually figured out that the game was a little rigged and that the tagger was focused on tagging the girl on the crooked path, since it was a lot slower (and harder) for that girl to get to the end. Once everyone had gone, they all sat down and we started to explain. We showed them how making bad choices, and being unhonest can really harm you and slow you down in life. Whereas on the other hand, if you walk the straight path with Jesus by your side, you will walk blamelessly and others will see that He lives in you. When we pointed back to the board and connected the game of tag to the verse from Proverbs, they had their 'ah ha' moment and they were all jumping up and down for Jesus- literally! It felt so good because we had finally taught them the true meaning of the verse and how it needs to be applied in life. If it felt that good for me, just to see 8 or 9 girls in kindergarten understand, then I can't imagine what God feels like when his children finally figure out what He has been trying to tell us. We were made to glorify Him and walk with Him and the best way to do that is to understand what He has given us to the best of our ability. The teacher has given us notes to study for the test, so why not study them so we can walk a blameless life and pass the test? So, this week, I challenge you to walk the straight path and try to understand what your teacher is telling you!

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test of time, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him."  ~James 1:12
