
Showing posts from August, 2018

Welcome Back to School!!

"Welcome back!" Hopefully that's something every teacher says to you when you come in on your first day. What does it mean to you when they say that? Are you thinking something like: "Yes! It's time to learn!" Or something more like: "Will the bus take me back home now?" Whatever you may be thinking, the teachers are ready to teach you and they have tons of things planned for this new school year. Whether you're the kid that can't wait until last block or the kid who takes 20 pages of notes per class, the teachers are there, ready to teach all of you just the same. This is just like God's relationship with us. No matter what kind of person we are or what we did this past summer, our teacher, God, is ready to forgive us and teach us about Him and His plans for our life. (look up Jeremiah 29:11) We just have to ask Him for his help, as well as let the past go, because He has already forgiven us of the past. He forgives us for our