He is With You!

"Grace will be with you." ~Hebrews 13:25
"The God of peace be with you all. Amen." ~Romans 15:33
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." ~1 Thessalonians 5:28

Throughout the entire Bible, one of the things that gets repeated a bunch (and I mean a bunch) is that the Lord will be with us. No matter what we go through. He will be there. This is very important to remember and I know that sometimes I forget this simple fact. Life is sometimes stressful and it's hard to focus on the fact that God is with us no matter what.

The Carolina's were recently threatened with a hurricane. Hopefully you weren't affected and hopefully you don't have much cleaning to do if you were. But before the actual storm hit, there were a few days that were perfectly fine and you would have never thought that a hurricane was on the horizon. These few days were perfect for a day at the pool, plus most kids were out of school because the news predicted that a storm was a-comin. It ended up not hitting until the weekend but at least all those people had a huge stock of food. All the kids were out of school but no one was playing because everyone was stressed about the storm.  But what if we had put our trust in something else? What if we depended on someone else to tell us what to do or how to prepare?

What if we depended on God as much as we depended on the weatherman to inform us and the first responders to keep us safe?

You see, as we go through life, we might run into storms and there might be some trees down on our way but we have to look to God for help through those times. He is the only one who can help us-truly help us. We just have to be willing to completely surrender and let him take control of our lives.  He is with you always, storm or no storm, we just have to recognize that and know that we have the hurricane creator on our side.
