Costa Rica Missions!!

 Hi friends and family!

I hope you are all doing well!
Through NGU, I have the wonderful opportunity to travel to Costa Rica in just two days for a Spanish immersion mission trip at the Spanish Language Institute!! We will be there for the month of May learning about the culture and language, as well as loving and serving the people of Costa Rica and sharing Christ with them!!
I would love it if you would partner with me in praying over this trip before, during, and after we have gone! As we prepare to fly out on Sunday morning, would you be in prayer that the Lord would watch over us and that everyone on the team would safely arrive in Costa Rica! Throughout the month, my goal is to send out weekly newsletters with specific prayer updates! Until then, pray that the hearts and minds of the people we meet would be opened to the message of Christ!!
If you would like to receive these weekly newsletters, click on the follow me button on the left side menu!
Thank you so very much for all the support!! I can’t wait to come back and tell you all of everything the Lord is doing in Costa Rica!
Love y’all!!!
